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Frequently Asked Questions
No, they are actually both recognized by the AKC as Golden Retrievers. The term “English Cream Golden Retriever” is used in the U.S. to distinguish dogs with very recent genetic lines from European kennels vs those from generations of American lines. Overseas they are simply referred to as ‘Golden Retrievers’ but there are four main differences between those recently bred in Europe and those bred in the United States.
○ Health - The English retriever is definitely a healthier dog than the American retriever, as discovered by comparing studies by the Golden Retriever Club of America vs. The British Kennel Club.
○ 62% of American Goldens will die because of cancer, while English Golden’s are 37% less likely to die from cancer.
○ The average lifespan of an English Golden is 15% (19 months) longer than the American retriever.
○ Additionally, English Goldens have been rigorously tested for multiple generations to weed out dogs with higher genetic tendencies toward chronic issues such as hip and elbow dysplasia.
○ Temperament – Even though American Goldens have good personalities, the more mellow temperament of the English Goldens sets them apart as an exceptional family pet.
○ Structure – The English retriever has a stocky build, a blockier head, and is built a little lower to the ground, making them a more resilient dog.
○ Coloring – The English retriever often has that desirable, lighter-colored coat than the American retriever.
[Courtesy of galaxygoldens.com]
Will my puppy need training?
Basic obedience training is absolutely necessary, otherwise your Golden may end up ruling the household instead of providing the ideal companion.
We offer professional training. Please check out our Trained Puppies page.
Will my puppy be a good guard dog?
Golden Retrievers are ideal pets, not guard dogs. Any training for this purpose will be a waste of time as they may growl and bark defensively, but the bottom line is that they would just as soon get petted or accept tasty treats from a burglar as protect your home.
How Big Is a Golden Retriever?
Golden Retrievers are considered medium size dogs, with males ranging between 23” – 24” at the shoulder and weighing between 75-95 pounds. Females range from 21” – 22” and usually weigh 55-75 pounds. The English retrievers are built lower to the ground with a blocky head and stockier build. Their active tails are best known for knocking things off coffee tables.
Do you remove the dew claws?
No. We don’t remove dew claws from our dogs because they serve the function of preventing torque on a dog’s leg. Additionally, removing the dew claws can result in muscle atrophy and cause mild to significant pain for dogs over the span of a lifetime. We don’t recommend it to anyone buying a Golden Savannah puppy.
What do you recommend as a flea and tick PREVENTION?
Did your pooch pick up some nasty fleas somewhere and is now scratching away? Or, perhaps you found a tick attached and panic is setting in?
Do not fear, help is not far away. There are a number of products that effectively address such problems. From fast acting, instant relief to preventative treatments, the following product will alleviate these pests and their effects.
You may want to try this natural route.
When can puppies go to their new homes?
Our puppies are well-socialized, confident, and ready to bond with their new families at 8 weeks of age, unless additional training is chosen. Until this age all puppies remain with us, whether they are picked up or have to fly to their new homes.
How much of my Time Will my Puppy Require?
Golden Retrievers are “people” dogs. They thrive on attention and need to spend time with, around, and near humans. If you’re considering a Golden Retriever as a pet please consider your lifestyle and how busy your schedule is: do you have time to give the substantial love and attention a Golden Retriever needs? With love and care, Golden Retrievers will add more joy to your life than you could imagine.
How much exercise will my puppy require?
Golden Retrievers require exercise to allow them to become the calm house pets most owners expect; a fenced-in yard and daily walks are highly recommended.
Here's a helpful exercise chart.
More helpful info:
Do you recommend Crate Training?
Yes. It’s to incorporate crate training to provide a sense of security for the puppy. Many people refuse to crate or kennel-train a dog because they feel it is cruel to confine them, but in reality dogs have a natural instinct to find a secure space. It may also save you some headache when you are shopping or go out for dinner.
When do you recommend to spay or neuter?
After 12 months of age! More on the reason "Why after 12 months of age?".
What foods are dangerous for my dog?
Here's a list of the 10 most dangerous foods for dogs. Some of these can be toxic or fatal if ingested.
Coffee & Caffiene
Fruit with pits/seeds
Grapes and Raisins
Macadamia nuts
Onions and Garlic
Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
Yeast dough
Avoid giving your dog bones that can splinter and cause internal injuries to their intestines, especially such meats as chicken, fish, or pork chop bones.
If you suspect your pet has eaten any of the above foods then contact your veterinarian immediately or the ASPCA Poison Hotline at: #1-888-426-4435 (a $65 consultation fee may be applied).